No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS)

Implementation of the No-U-Turn Sampler extension (algorithm 6) [47] to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo [64] for simulating autocorrelated draws from a distribution that can be specified up to a constant of proportionality.

Model-Based Constructor

NUTS(params::ElementOrVector{Symbol}; dtype::Symbol=:forward, args...)

Construct a Sampler object for NUTS sampling, with the algorithm’s step size parameter adaptively tuned during burn-in iterations. Parameters are assumed to be continuous, but may be constrained or unconstrained.


  • params : stochastic node(s) to be updated with the sampler. Constrained parameters are mapped to unconstrained space according to transformations defined by the Stochastic unlist() function.
  • dtype : type of differentiation for gradient calculations. Options are
    • :central : central differencing.
    • :forward : forward differencing.
  • args... : additional keyword arguments to be passed to the NUTSVariate constructor.


Returns a Sampler{NUTSTune} type object.


See the Dyes, Equiv, and other Examples.

Stand-Alone Function

sample!(v::NUTSVariate; adapt::Bool=false)

Draw one sample from a target distribution using the NUTS sampler. Parameters are assumed to be continuous and unconstrained.


  • v : current state of parameters to be simulated. When running the sampler in adaptive mode, the v argument in a successive call to the function will contain the tune field returned by the previous call.
  • adapt : whether to adaptively update the epsilon step size parameter.


Returns v updated with simulated values and associated tuning parameters.


The following example samples parameters in a simple linear regression model. Details of the model specification and posterior distribution can be found in the Supplement.

## Linear Regression
##   y ~ N(b0 + b1 * x, s2)
##   b0, b1 ~ N(0, 1000)
##   s2 ~ invgamma(0.001, 0.001)

using Mamba

## Data
data = Dict(
  :x => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  :y => [1, 3, 3, 3, 5]

## Log-transformed Posterior(b0, b1, log(s2)) + Constant and Gradient Vector
logfgrad = function(x::DenseVector)
  b0 = x[1]
  b1 = x[2]
  logs2 = x[3]
  r = data[:y] - b0 - b1 * data[:x]
  logf = (-0.5 * length(data[:y]) - 0.001) * logs2 -
           (0.5 * dot(r, r) + 0.001) / exp(logs2) -
           0.5 * b0^2 / 1000 - 0.5 * b1^2 / 1000
  grad = [
    sum(r) / exp(logs2) - b0 / 1000,
    sum(data[:x] .* r) / exp(logs2) - b1 / 1000,
    -0.5 * length(data[:y]) - 0.001 + (0.5 * dot(r, r) + 0.001) / exp(logs2)
  logf, grad

## MCMC Simulation with No-U-Turn Sampling
n = 5000
burnin = 1000
sim = Chains(n, 3, start = (burnin + 1), names = ["b0", "b1", "s2"])
theta = NUTSVariate([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], logfgrad)
for i in 1:n
  sample!(theta, adapt = (i <= burnin))
  if i > burnin
    sim[i, :, 1] = [theta[1:2]; exp(theta[3])]

NUTSVariate Type


typealias NUTSVariate SamplerVariate{NUTSTune}


  • value::Vector{Float64} : simulated values.
  • tune::NUTSTune : tuning parameters for the sampling algorithm.


NUTSVariate(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, epsilon::Real, logfgrad::Function; target::Real=0.6)
NUTSVariate(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, logfgrad::Function; target::Real=0.6)

Construct a NUTSVariate object that stores simulated values and tuning parameters for NUTS sampling.


  • x : initial values.
  • epsilon : step size parameter.
  • logfgrad : function that takes a single DenseVector argument of parameter values at which to compute the log-transformed density (up to a normalizing constant) and gradient vector, and returns the respective results as a tuple. If epsilon is not specified, the function is used by the constructor to generate an initial step size value.
  • target : target acceptance rate for the algorithm.


Returns a NUTSVariate type object with fields set to the supplied x and tuning parameter values.

NUTSTune Type


type NUTSTune <: SamplerTune


  • logfgrad::Nullable{Function} : function supplied to the constructor to compute the log-transformed density and gradient vector, or null if not supplied.
  • adapt::Bool : whether the proposal distribution is being adaptively tuned.
  • alpha::Float64 : cumulative acceptance probabilities \alpha from leapfrog steps.
  • epsilon::Float64 : updated value of the step size parameter \epsilon_m = \exp\left(\mu - \sqrt{m} \bar{H}_m / \gamma\right) if m > 0, and the user-supplied value otherwise.
  • epsbar::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, defined as \bar{\epsilon}_m = \exp\left(m^{-\kappa} \log(\epsilon_m) + (1 - m^{-\kappa}) \log(\bar{\epsilon}_{m-1})\right).
  • gamma::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, fixed at \gamma = 0.05.
  • Hbar::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, defied as \bar{H}_m = \left(1 - \frac{1}{m + t_0}\right) \bar{H}_{m-1} + \frac{1}{m + t_0} \left(\text{target} - \frac{\alpha}{n_\alpha}\right).
  • kappa::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, fixed at \kappa = 0.05.
  • m::Int : number of adaptive update iterations m that have been performed.
  • mu::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, defined as \mu = \log(10 \epsilon_0).
  • nalpha::Int : the total number n_\alpha of leapfrog steps performed.
  • t0::Float64 : dual averaging parameter, fixed at t_0 = 10.
  • target::Float64 : target acceptance rate for the adaptive algorithm.